I was once an overweight and depressed teenager,
full of cystic acne on my face and body and struggling with chronic fatigue. Every morning I dreaded the alarm clock and I wished I could just disappear. I was in a deep and thick depression from the age of 16 to 26. I was also binging and starving constantly in order to try and loose weight. I had a serious sweet tooth (chocolate was my EVERYTHING!) and you could find me everyday of the week eating fast food! The cycle of over eating until I was sick and then starving myself was extremely defeating and sank me into a deeper depression everyday.
But in 2010 I saw a documentary on health and I became obsessed! I immediately went vegetarian in 2010 (though I knew no other vegetarian at the time) and transitioned to a raw vegan lifestyle in 2011. Since then, I have become completely OBSESSED with discovering the healthiest way to eat and maintain a raw vegan lifestyle!
In this guide, you will learn the key to feeling and looking your best while eating incredible delicious food. The meal plan you are about to embark on contains meals specifically using proper food combining because when you combine ingredients properly, your body digests the food much faster, which allows for more energy, deeper sleep, and a better mood. Yes, what and how you eat, HIGHLY affects your mood!