
A Comprehensive Guide On How to Source, Choose, Ripen And Eat High-Quality Exotic And Tropical Fruit! 

Available Now For Only $11.11 (Limited Time Offer)

I created this guide for the person struggling with eating healthier. 

For the person who cannot seem to break their sugar addiction. 

For the person who tries so hard to stick to a healthy diet and breaks their promises to themselves over and over. 

For the person who doesn't know what to do or where to turn. 

Honestly, I created this guide for my younger self, who really Really needed it!

You DO NOT need to be a Fruitarian or Raw Vegan to enjoy AMAZING health! This guide will introduce you to the incredible benefits of adding more fruit into your diet! 

What's Included In This Beautiful Guide:

Introduction to High Quality Fruit 

What is it, why is it so important to your health, where do you find it, how do you ripen it and how do you eat it! All these questions are answered and more in the first half of my new guide!

Let's Get Fruity! 

We then go into full detail of each of my favorite exotic and tropical fruits! I included the ones I cannot live without as well as the ones that are most widely available and have THE BIGGEST health benefits! This list includes: Soursop, Mangosteen, Lychees, Rambutan, Longans, Mamey Sapote, Black Sapote, Exotic Bananas, Breadfruit, Dragon Fruit and MORE! 


I provide an accompanying recipe that will blow your fruity mind! From mint chip ice cream to mango guacamole to bread fruit French fries to my ALL TIME favorite banana free smoothie!

What To Expect! 

In this guide I give you an insiders look into what you can expect when you start to eat more fruit! YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE A FRUITARIAN TO RECEIVE THE BENEFITS OF FRUIT! Just having more fruit everyday will dramatically improve your immune system, clear your skin, help you sleep deeper and more! Don't just take my word for to though. Get this guide and start on your healing journey to true health today! 
What Is So Special About Fruit?
There is honestly no amount of money that I wouldn't have paid in order to break my incredibly destructive eating habits. As a kid I enjoyed sweets and junk food like everyone else, but at age fourteen I started to become ADDICTED to extremely unhealthy processed foods. Chocolate bars, cupcakes, donuts, cookies, ice cream and anything else sweet that I could get my hand on. I devoured it all in secret every night after everyone went to sleep. I was ashamed and embarrassed after every episode of binging. 
What changed was when I discovered the truth about my sweet tooth. 

It turns out... there was NOTHING wrong with me! 

It turns out that I am simply a human! Humans need calories to survive and we specifically have a sweet tooth for a reason. Humans are frugivores by design and fruit is our species specific food. Just like all animal species eat the same same diet, no matter where they live in the world, so should humans! Monkeys and chimps eat a predominantly fruit based diet and we were designed to eat the same! We have the same physiology, the same stomach acidity, the same tooth structure, and the same sweat glands as them! The chimps have 98.7% of the exact same DNA as humans. It is no wonder we THRIVE when we eat like one of the STRONGEST animals on earth, and the closest species to us in the animal kingdom! 

We are the most biologically advanced species on Earth. Fruit is the most advanced part of a plant. It has to be, since it's responsibilities rely solely on the progeny of the plant itself. 

Have you ever met someone who doesn’t like fruit? I sure haven’t. We’re told that it’s high in sugar so we should limit our intake, however fruit doesn’t really contain any sugar, at least not our conception of it. We’ve mistakenly equated man-made sugar with nature-made sugar. Added sugar and natural sugar found in fruit ARE TWO COMPLETELY DIFFERENT THINGS! They have two completely different effects on the human body! It’s not the same stuff, not even close! 

One promotes cancer and death, the other, health and vitality!

Humans have three-color, vision. So do species such as chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans. It’s vitally important for fruit to stand out with its vibrant colors and appealing aroma. It’s begging to be picked off the branch, eaten and reproduced. It’s a mutually beneficial trade off. The fruit eaters get to enjoy a delicious meal, and in exchange we assist the plant’s propagation and reproduction. Everybody wins.

Fruit is the easiest food to digest, which should right there, tip us off that we are biologically designed to eat it. Just because we are able to digest other foods, does not make us fit for its consumption. Omnivores are designed to eat everything. Humans can eat meat, but they are not designed to, which means they are not true carnivores or omnivores

We don’t have claws or hoofs like carnivores and herbivores. We aren’t equipped with sharp teeth and abrasive tongues for ripping apart flesh. In order for meat to taste good we have to cook it. No other species on Earth cooks their food and this is pure proof that we are not naturally designed to eat it. We were designed to eat fruit and lots of it! This guide will introduce you to the benefits of some of the most delicious fruit on the planet! 

I'm so excited to share this guide with you and for you to receive ALL the incredible benefits!

What's Included In This Beautiful 50+ Page Guide:

Introduction to High Quality Fruit 

What is it, why is it so important to your health, where do you find it, how do you ripen it and how do you eat it! All these questions are answered and more in the first half of my new guide!

Let's Get Fruity! 

We then go into full detail of each of my favorite exotic and tropical fruits! I included the ones I cannot live without as well as the ones that are most widely available and have THE BIGGEST health benefits! This list includes: Soursop, Mangosteen, Lychees, Rambutan, Longans, Mamey Sapote, Black Sapote, Exotic Bananas, Breadfruit, Dragon Fruit and MORE! 


I provide an accompanying recipe that will blow your fruity mind! From mint chip ice cream to mango guacamole to bread fruit French fries to my ALL TIME favorite banana free smoothie!

What To Expect! 

In this guide I give you an insiders look into what you can expect when you start to eat more fruit! YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE A FRUITARIAN TO RECEIVE THE BENEFITS OF FRUIT! Just having more fruit everyday will dramatically improve your immune system, clear your skin, help you sleep deeper and more! Don't just take my word for to though. Get this guide and start on your healing journey to true health today! 

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